Tuesday, June 30, 2009

End of the Year Events

The school year has finally come to an end for us. All of the boys had a very successful year and we are very proud of them. Of course, there were many "end of the year" events. I have shown just a few here.

David participated in a Reader Theater. He was a narrator for the famous story, "The Emperor's New Clothes". He did a great job!

Look in the very center of this "sea" of children and you will see David's blond head poking out. This was his "end of the year" assembly. They sang for us, quoted scripture, and were given awards.

Does anyone recognize this handsome, young man? This is the first tie that Ben has ever owned. Stan taught him how to tie it and he spent a LOT of time practicing for this special evening. It was the Secondary's End of the Year Celebration and Graduation at the Radisson Hotel. Ben successfully finished 9th grade and he can be very proud at how he finished!

Here is a picture of Ben and Nathan together for the special evening. Nathan really wanted a tie too but I wasn't sure where to find one that would fit him right. It turned out to be just fine because most of the middle school boys didn't wear one anyways.
Congratulations boys!!


Michelle said...

Congrats to Ben! You and Stan sure have a great looking family!!

Andrew Kercher said...

Congratulations, Ben. You're looking great. Nice job tying the tie. In fact, all you guys are looking good and growing up so fast.

David, glad they didn't make you WEAR the emperor's clothes for dramatic effect!!!


"Uncle" Andrew