Saturday, May 15, 2010

Diving In Again

High Dive
High Dive

Oh my goodness! Has it really been 7 months since I last updated you on our "treks" in Indonesia and Malaysia? I feel a bit like this little boy on top of the high diving board...a little bit of fear as I attempt to "dive" back in to the blogging world. Please forgive me; it was quite the adjustment for David and I as we began homeschooling again this year; as well as, helping Stan set up basically a new program here in Banda. Right around the time I had posted our last blog, that was when our staff families began arriving on the program and we had several houses to renovate and get ready for them.

So, where do I begin again? I will just start from our 1st Annual MAF-Aceh Family Conference and then attempt to move on from there.